The Purpose of Man's Existence

No human being can live properly unless he knows the purpose of life. We have been created by God in order to glorify Him and to merit eternal happiness with Him in heaven. Our own reason tells us that we have a spiritual soul: and a spirit is immortal _ that is, it will never die. Reason also assures us that we can find perfect happiness only in God, for the desire for happiness in every human heart is unlimited, and hence no created good can fully satisfy it. As St. Augustine said: "The heart of man is made for Thee, O God, and it is restless till it rests in Thee."

God has revealed to us that the happiness to which He invites us in the next life is a share of His own happiness. It consists in seeing God directly in all His goodness and beauty, in loving Him, and in enjoying His presence for all eternity. This happiness, which is called the beatific vision, is a privilege to which human beings naturally have no strict right. It is true that, because of the spiritual and immortal nature of our soul, we have a right to everlasting happiness in the life to come if we serve God faithfully in this world. We have no claim, however, to the supernatural possession of God such as is given in the beatific vision. In order to merit this supernatural happiness God gives us while we are on earth sufficient grace to live a supernatural life and to perform the actions necessary to earn this reward.

The Sacred Scriptures, God's own word, frequently refer to the happiness prepared for us in heaven, and urge us to strive to attain it. God has called all men to this happiness, but some do not attain it because they commit mortal sin and die without repenting of it. These souls are cast into hell, and will never possess God. Hence, it is the most important duty of our lives to fulfill the conditions necessary to merit eternal happiness. These conditions are to know, to love, and to serve God in a supernatural manner.

The first condition is to know God in a supernatural manner _ that is, by faith. To do this we must learn the truths He has revealed to us and become familiar with the duties we owe Him. Without such a knowledge it is impossible to love and to serve God as we should. The most important of the truths He has revealed are four _ that God exists, that He rewards the good and punishes the wicked, that there are three Persons in the one God, and that the Son of God became man and died for our salvation. However, we should not be content with knowing these four truths, but should study the doctrines of revelation.

Catholics have no difficulty in knowing God in a supernatural manner, for the Catholic Church was established by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to act as His representative in teaching men about God. The chief truths taught by Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church are found in the Apostles' Creed. There are also some important truths revealed by God which are not found in the Apostles' Creed, such as the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist and the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Moreover, other Creeds besides the Apostles' Creed are used in the Church, particularly the Nicene Creed which is recited in the Mass; it was composed at the Council of Nicaea, in 325 A.D. There in also the Athanasian Creed, named after St. Athanasius, a bishop of the fourth century.

Nowadays when it is so easy to procure books and pamphlets explaining the teachings of the Catholic Church, every Catholic able to read can acquire a thorough knowledge of the Catholic faith.

Catholics should strive to learn their lessons in Catechism faithfully and thoroughly. They should always remember that in studying their religion they are preparing themselves to gain the happiness of heaven, for they are fulfilling the first condition of meriting that happiness _ to know God. They must remember, however, that the knowledge of God does not consist in merely reciting the answers of the Catechism by memory. They must try to grasp the meaning of these answers, and apply to their own lives the truths they contain.

RESOLUTION: Resolve that during your entire life you will continue to study the truths of your Catholic religion, and thus by ever knowing God better and better, constantly prepare yourself for the happiness of heaven, which is the great goal of your life.