Seraph February 1996 Vol XVI No 6 [Bishop Speaks]

The Great Apostasy and Antichrist

Continuation of text

The forces of antichrist have infiltrated the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ and like termites gnawing away at the strategic parts of a structure, they have undermined that which is the very foundation of the Roman Catholic Church: Her sacred authority, or as is more commonly called by its Greek word, the 'hierarchy'!

Despite all the deceptive and empty flattery of the masses, those who hold authority anywhere in the world do not consider themselves as the servants of the people. This is nothing more than the typical hypocrisy of despots; a useful ploy until they gain the upper hand over those whom they will then rule with an iron fist.

It is true that all authority is from God whether it be State or Church. This does not mean, however, that everyone exercising some form of authority has received it from God. Could it be said that there was a point in time when authority did not exist both in its civil and religious expression?

When God created Adam, the first man, and placed him in the Garden of Eden, He endowed Adam with the fullness of both civil and religious authority. He held authority in both domains: the material and spiritual. It was Adam as the head of the embryonic human family who both governed the land and served as priest for the worship of God. When Eve, the first woman, was created from the first man, she was not made man's equal; she was made his helpmate and companion. This by no means indicates total equality. All of human tradition based on the first order established by God maintains this order even in primitive societies. It is only in those societies where the demonic is most prevalent that we find the female of the species usurping the male role. In those societies where the forces of Lucifer have gained the upper hand, we find what may be called the "Eve syndrome" most evident.

The order established by the Creator is an order based on the patriarchal system. The order promoted by spiritualists inspired by Satan is a matriarchal system.

Practically speaking, every government is controlled by the enemies of Jesus Christ, directly or indirectly. The gradually and surreptitiously imposed "United Nations" are nothing more than that planned "One World" government of antichrist Freemasonry

Once this "One Nation" government is successfully imposed upon independent and more or less 'sovereign' nations, the face of the Antichrist will be revealed. Meanwhile, his throne is being prepared and it would be most fitting that it should be in the temple where the Vicar of Jesus Christ once sat. For, after all, when we eliminate all the accidental features of history, we come down to the essential struggle: between Christ and Antichrist. This is so, because Jesus Christ is the center of all creation. Through Him all creation is to glorify God, the Creator. And those who will not choose Christ, necessarily choose Antichrist. There is no middle or neutral ground.

When, therefore, Paul VI, was invited to speak before the United Nations, he did so very gladly. But he used words with double meanings to deceive Roman Catholics. One phrase which cannot be construed in any other way than the symbolic victory of the Antichrist over Christ in human terms was when he said, addressing the very people responsible for the misery in the world: "You are mankind's last hope!"

He then asked of this collection of spiritualists who worship Lucifer for their "permission" to allow the Church to exist and function. For, the two must go together if they are to have any meaning. 'Existence' and 'action' cannot be separated.

Few perceived the full meaning of these words and this gesture. Furthermore, Montini (alias 'Paul VI') presented himself before this collection of Freemasons wearing the ephod of the ancient high priest. This ephod is used in Masonic rituals because the Freemasons consider themselves as 'priests' according to the Order of Melchisedech.

It was on this occasion that the alleged Vicar of Jesus Christ addressed these men, all dedicated to the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church, and asked their permission for the Mystical Body of Christ to function in the world!

Most Catholics, regardless of their education, failed to grasp the significance of this gesture on the part of one acting in the place of Jesus Christ.

There is no earthly power that has the kind of authority held by the Vicar of Jesus Christ. To the untrained eye, this might have been interpreted as an act of genuine humility: the Church at the service of the world! There is a subtle difference in the meaning of the words Christ spoke to His Apostles when He told them: Humility is truth and nothing can be further from the truth than to pretend that the Church receives its authority from the State.

When Jesus made the comparison between the method of ruling in the world and the method of ruling in God's Kingdom, He wished to emphasize the difference between disorder and order. Those who rule according to the world, that is, according to the dictates of grace-less human nature, necessarily rule with a gun - much like the robber dictates to his victim when he holds a gun to his victim's head. Obedience is generally swift and perfect in such cases. The Kingdoms of Antichrist - all those kingdoms promised to Jesus if only He would kneel before Lucifer and adore him - can only rule by abject fear.

This is why Jesus said: "You know that those who are regarded as rulers among the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them." This is the kind of 'obedience' we are all familiar with.

Then Jesus startles the Apostles, who also are familiar with the methods of worldly power, and says to them: "But it is not so among you. On the contrary, whoever wishes to become great shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be the slave of all."

Jesus then gives the reason for this unheard of means of ruling: "For the Son of Man also has not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Mark 10, 42-45).

It is difficult for us to comprehend this. And the proof thereof is in the fact that those who would put the words of our Lord into practice mistake humility for weakness, and allow themselves to be manipulated by those whom they have been called to serve.

'Service' and 'slave' are words that cause confusion because they have been given worldly meanings to express that which is demeaning to the dignity of mankind. Particularly the term 'slave' has a bad connotation because of all the most oppressive violence done to human beings by reducing them to the level of beasts of burden.

'Slavery' is personal bondage, whereby a person or his services are under the control of another as owner or master. The word is also used with reference to loss of control over oneself in matters of vice. As, for example, a 'slave' to drink; a 'slave' to passion, etc.

'Service' and 'servant' implies the performance of labor for the benefit of another, or at the command of another. It also means "duty done or required; an office." It also means the 'performance of official duties for a sovereign or state.' Our Lord clarified His 'duties' when He said that He had come to do the will of His heavenly Father.

And, as everyone knows, the servant obeys his master. In the Chinese language the written symbol for 'holiness' is made up of three separate characters, or 'pictures': one is the symbol for 'master,' the other is the symbol for 'ear,' and the third is the symbol for 'servant.' The idea of holiness, then, consists in 'the servant hears the command of his master and executes it.'

The Apostles were instructed to carry out the duties imposed upon them by their having been called by the highest possible authority in existence: by God's command.

Thus, when our Lord says that He has come 'to serve and not to be served' the meaning is completely different from what those conditioned by the world might understand.

By becoming the servant of all, one becomes perfectly obedient to God and the duties imposed upon him by God.

Jesus did not ask permission of any human authority to preach, because His mission was given to Him by God the Father. And Jesus handed this same mission over to Peter and the Apostles - a divine mission coming from God and not from man. The king is just as much in need of this service as the subject, for all are sinners without exception. This is why saints rebuked kings and rulers with as much authority as when they spoke to the lowliest peasant. Virtue and vice are common to all mankind and therefore, not restricted to any class or color.

Thus, for Paul VI to ask permission of the antichrists seated in the United Nations, is essentially a denial of his own mission - if he ever had one! For, essentially, a 'permission' is an authorization. It is leave to do something, or not to do something.

It is a betrayal of the Church's mission in the world to place it at the feet of antichrists as if it would become the instrument and means of furthering the demonic purposes of this organization.

From a moral and theological point of view, the United Nations is the instrument of international enslavement of all the people of the world under the dictatorship of Lucifer.

When the representatives of the United Nations acquiesced to Paul VI's request, they rejoiced because this was the symbolic deliverance of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ - the only serious obstacle to world domination by Lucifer - into the hands of Christ's enemies!

Authority in the Roman Catholic Church is established by Jesus Christ Himself. When Jesus sent His disciples into the world "as lambs among wolves" (Luke 10,3), and counseling them to "carry neither purse, nor wallet, nor sandals" (Matt. 10,9), He nevertheless provided them with an unheard of spiritual authority: "He who hears you, hears me; and he who rejects you, rejects me; and he who rejects me, rejects him who sent me." (Luke 10,16).

On the contrary also, "He who receives you, receives me; and he who receives me, receives him who sent me" (Matt. 10,40).

Being the messengers of Christ in the direct and true sense of the word, the Apostles always speak and act in the name of Christ. In the fullest sense, their word is the word of Jesus Christ, and their work is the work of Jesus Christ.

They are the continuators and dispensers of salvation in history. That which Christ began in Palestine, they carry through time and space; they carry His teaching, His sacrifice and His government throughout the entire world and until His return to judge the living and the dead.

This is why their authority is based not on themselves, but on Christ, to Whom "all authority in heaven and on earth"" has been given (Matt.28, 18).

The authority of the Apostles is of a divine nature: It is the authority of the Lord's messenger.

Therefore, it is an authority which is received not because of one's own works or one's own merit; not by some earthly decision, but by Christ's call to be "the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world" (Matt. 5, 13-14).

This being the case, what can the 'permission' of any worldly power add to this authority? Essentially, nothing.

The Church's authority is essentially of divine origin and has no ties with any earthly power.

The fullness of Papal and Episcopal authority is independent of any and all earthly rule.

Prescinding from historical and accidental influences in the Church that seem to share this authority with worldly powers, and from which the Church has always worked to be free, papal and episcopal authority remains until the end of time. This divine authority will last until the end of time because in essence it is Christ governing in His Church.

Herein lies the great deception and the groundwork for the great apostasy: When Paul VI, visibly the 'Pope' of the Roman Catholic Church (which is identified with the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ) asked 'permission' for the Church to work, he thereby negated the supernatural nature of the Roman Catholic Church and made it subservient to the agents of Antichrist.

The Church is now viewed by the leaders of the Luciferian 'One World Order' as just another human institution, and therefore subject to this order like any other civil or social organization. For this reason, churches are treated as nothing more than 'places of public assembly' to be taxed and controlled by petty bureaucrats like any other place such as casinos, saloons, restaurants, etc. And because the clergy have become either apathetic or abject apostates from the true faith, they remain silent and compliant.

In effect, then, what has happened? Authority is needed for good order in any organization. But, a member of the Church is not in 'order and disciplined' when he obeys the Pope, but when he is a living member of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ.

Obedience here is not the source nor the reason, but the effect of living faith.

He who is alive (in the state of grace) in Christ Jesus, is also obedient to Jesus and His representatives.

Mere formal obedience has no value in the Church. In the world, it is enough to be formally obedient (Externally, visibly) to maintain order and discipline. However, in the Church, it is necessary to be alive in Christ; it is necessary to express Christ's reality; to live by His life so that obedience to authority would not become a lifeless thing, destroying the spirit of the individual and the community as a whole.

By reducing the Church's authority and discipline to the level of nothing more than externalism in order and discipline, the Church is separated from Her supernatural basis in Christ, and places papal and episcopal authority on the same basis as earthly powers.

Reduced to a natural organization, the Church must use the same means to impose Her order and discipline upon Her members as any other natural organization. This is also the reason why so many who style themselves "Traditionalists" fail to see the grave error into which they have fallen: They have fallen from the supernatural order.

This is also the reason why "Traditionalists" are placed in the same category with other heretics and schismatics: they have taken the path of naturalism and applied it to their concept of the Church. Rightly, then, do the dissidents on the left consider them as dissidents on the right.

"Traditionalists" cling to the externals of tradition, but lack the internal grace of genuine supernatural faith which is a grace from God.

The Antichrist knows very well that there is a real distinction between the Chair of Peter and the Chair in Rome. The Chair in Rome has often been vacant either by death or the malice of man; but the Chair of St. Peter can never be vacant because it is not only a legitimate Pope that constitutes the Church, but also the Bishops, priests and faithful in union with the constant teaching of the Mystical Body Whose life is the Holy Ghost. When the Chair of Rome is vacant, the Chair of Peter continues in the Bishops who are successors of the Apostles.

This necessary distinction has been forgotten or deliberately erased so as to bring the faithful to accept the change in meaning of legitimate and time-honored Catholic terminology familiar to almost every Roman Catholic. In other words, the people have been conditioned to place their religious faith in the 'Chair in Rome' and not in the 'Chair of St. Peter.' Anyone can occupy the 'Chair in Rome' - even the most abject pagan or apostate. But, only a legitimate and orthodox successor of St. Peter can occupy the 'Chair of St. Peter,' that is, possess the divine authority confided to the Church - Pope and Bishops - for the continuation of Christ's work of salvation until the end of time.

Correctly has it been said that we suffer today from "papalatria" - the equivalent of 'Emperor worship' in pre-World War II days in Japan; or the kind of deification of a man in Tibetan Bhudism called a 'Dalai Lama.' For the Tibetans, the Dalai Lama is their 'god-incarnate.'

Of all the Orders in the Church, there is only one that has in its Rule approved by the Apostolic See (Pope and Bishops) the necessary distinction between an individual 'pope' and the Apostolic See. That Order is the Franciscan Order.

It realistically - and prophetically - states: "The Rule and life of the Friars Minor is this, namely, to observe the holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by living in obedience, without property and in chastity. Friar Francis promises obedience and reverence to the Lord Pope Honorius and to his successors canonically elected and to the Roman Church. And the other friars are bound to obey Friar Francis and his successors." (Rule of the Friars Minor).

In all cases, the obedience and respect is due to legitimate and Catholic successors of divine authority. Since Religious Superiors derive their authority through the decree of a legitimate Pope, it follows logically, that only those participate in this divine authority who are actually united to the Mystical Body of Christ and not separated by embracing erroneous doctrine or refusing due obedience to the representatives of Christ.

Because Paul VI (and John Paul II) have their permission to function from the United Nations, they must necessarily admit that the United Nations is above them and, logically, God! How? Because Pope and Bishops receive their authority from God, it follows that receiving permission from the United Nations is tantamount to receiving authority from someone higher than God.

Thus, we have the following bizarre phenomenon: We have a visible 'Pope;' but this 'Pope' is, in actuality separated from Jesus Christ Who is the source of all divine authority.

When the authority in the Church is reduced to the same practical level of human authority, it loses its supernatural character. This is what was planned for when John XXIII called an 'Ecumenical Council.' This is why everything had to be changed to reflect the new and essentially naturalized (and nationalized!) Church of Rome.

It is not poetry that inspires John Paul II to speak of a 'New Advent,' of a 'New Pentecost' - these are new: they no longer reflect and express the faith which has come down to us from the prophets and the apostles. It is the faith of the New World Church:

It is the Church of the Great Apostasy!

The present Popes (actually, antipopes) are gladly invited to worldly convocations and conferences. Such a Pope is invited, however, not as the Vicar of Jesus Christ; he is welcomed all over the world to be a public spectacle and civil funds are expended for his visits as well as millions of dollars to be paid by the people of the dioceses he visits. But, regardless of what the unsuspecting people subjectively think, he comes not as the genuine Representative of Jesus Christ, but as the 'naturalized' citizen of the One World of Luciferian design.

He does not (and cannot!) invite the people to enter the one, true, holy and apostolic Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. He comes to bless 'all cultures' - having reduced supernatural faith to nothing more than a matter of historical and local 'culture!'

It is not an accident that ever since the death of Pope Pius XII there has not been a Pope who has been hated for just that: For being a true Pope. John XXIII was hailed by the sworn enemies of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ as a great man; Paul VI was also a great man. We do not even mention John Paul I because there is just too much suspicion as to what he represented that he merited to have received the 33rd degree in a 'special way.'

The Orthodox who have been in heresy and schism since the 9th century have been wooed into becoming a part of the New World Church by being allowed to cling to their out-dated human traditions. Much like the Roman Catholic Church after it had been reduced to a non-entity (as in Mexico) where stolen sacred vestments and sacred vessels have been turned into objects to be gawked at in monasteries that were turned into museums. A museum is where you put out-dated, meaningless objects of the past. A golden chalice, for example, could very easily be placed alongside a suit of armor. Visitors look at the one and at the other with the same bland stare - seeing nothing but material expression as objects that were of practical use at a particular time in human history.

Protestants are wooed into this New World Church by allowing them whatever exotic doctrine they may wish to find in the pages of Sacred Scripture. Being the sole interpreters of the Bible as the 'Holy Spirit' inspires each one, each one can proudly proclaim and promote his version of the word of God. From this point, "Traditionalists" are more Protestant than the Protestants, because for the "Traditionalist", everything has become a matter of opinion and unlike the old-fashioned Protestant, these Neo-Protestants claim to be 'Catholic.'

The Scriptures have been undergoing gradual and successive 'translations' in order to accustom people to the ultimate changes that will eventually surface.

What is 'Holy Scripture?'

Holy Scripture is the word of God in written form It is the revelation of God about Himself. It is a communication of the Divinity, of the Creator to the creature. The first communication was when God created all things. He thought - and things came into being. Humanly speaking, we are informed that God 'spoke.' Of course, the Divinity adapts Itself to the condition of the creature. If, for example, the mind were incapable of knowing that which we call 'truth,' God would never communicate Himself to man as Truth. The same is applicable to every means whereby stimuli are received by man. There would be no need for light, if man had no eyes for gathering information through the sense of sight. At least, we may be fairly certain that God would not communicate with us by a means we did not possess.

God spoke to mankind through creation. Then He spoke to the world through the prophets; finally, God spoke through Jesus Christ, combining human nature and divine nature in a mysterious way so that while there are two distinct natures in Jesus Christ, there is only one Person - the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.

God uses His creation to communicate with man who has been created in His image and likeness. The human gift of speech, written speech, is used by God to instruct mankind concerning Himself and the purpose of creation. This communication may take different forms: sometimes it is by way of historical records while at others it is by way of announcing future events; at times by instructions and at others by expressing emotions. This communication may contain human weaknesses or mistakes. The inspired communication still remains a visible means to reveal an invisible higher truth, which is the Logos Himself.

The only and true object of all of Holy Scripture is to reveal Jesus Christ.

Christ appears in the Old Testament as a promise. He appears in the New Testament as the fulfillment of the promise.

The Old Testament announces that Christ will come; and the New Testament announces that Christ has come. The human reality of the Old Testament was the lives and works of the Patriarchs, the history of Israel, individual characters like Tobias, Esther, Judith, Ruth, and Job and their activity. All this and more were merely signs pointing toward the promised supernatural realization in the future through Jesus Christ.

The New Testament now shows Jesus no longer with signs and figures, but directly as the Incarnate Word of God. Now, all that was used to point to the coming Christ is done away with because the reality has replaced the figure. The New Testament is not the history of people, but the history of Jesus Christ. It is no longer a record of the actions of people, but it is a record of the actions of the Messiah. No longer a pointing to the Christ; but, the recording of His words and deeds.

If Christ is the hidden object of the Old Testament, now He is the primary figure and center of the New Testament. All the rest is filler for the purpose of explanation and clarification to show that Christ is the center of all things.

Since this is the only purpose of Holy Scripture, it becomes obvious that without Jesus Christ the Scriptures become totally meaningless. The value of Scripture is not in itself, but in so far as it bears witness to Christ.

The Bible is not a book on nature nor culture: the Bible is a book on religion. And, more specifically, on the one, holy, universal and apostolic religion - the religion built on the prophets of the Old Testament and the apostles of the New Testament.

Because the Bible is a religious book consisting of various books its message can only be understood in the light of the religion which it speaks of. Thus, anyone who attempts to read and interpret the Bible without having the supernatural grace to understand what is written, is doomed to failure. This is why the Bible can only be properly interpreted by the Roman Catholic Church: The Bible is the Catholic Church's possession and the Catholic Church is the Bible's protectress.

It should be obvious to anyone with common sense, then, why these meetings with those who deny the supernatural faith of Catholicism have no business talking or criticizing the Bible: They cannot understand what they read because they read with the light of natural reason alone.

This is part of what is meant by saying that a Pope's primary duty is the defense of the deposit of faith. That one part is Holy Scripture in its entirety. The second part of the deposit of faith is apostolic tradition.

Catholics who turn to non-Catholics for information and interpretation of the Scriptures demonstrate their lack of understanding of their own faith. Since heretics and schismatics do not live by the Holy Spirit, they cannot comprehend the mysteries in the Bible. They can only read the Bible and project their own false ideas into the text. This is the reason why so many injustices have been committed in the name of religion.

It was never the Catholic Church that condoned slavery. This was justified by Protestants based on their erroneous understanding of the word of God.

We have seen how the Roman Catholic Church was betrayed into the hands of Her sworn secret enemies by the insertion of antipopes between God and the people. By doing this, Christ Himself and the supernatural life of grace are withheld from the faithful. Instead of obeying Jesus Christ, the people were deceived into obeying a false Vicar of Christ. It was not a complicated matter to go from there to the mass religious indifference so prevalent among once-Catholics.

(To be continued)

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