The Resurrection

Belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a fundamental doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church.

Unlike the beliefs of pantheists, re-incarnationists, agnostics, and atheists which are based on human ignorance and illogical fantasizing to avoid the simple truth which requires man to be responsible for his actions, Catholic conclusions to the questions of existence and final purpose are based on divine revelation and supported by sound reason.

There will always be those who reject the idea of accountability to a Supreme Being. But this is only because such individuals are so blinded by their self-love that they cannot reason clearly, nor are they willing to accept the idea that man is a moral being subject to a moral law.

All pseudo-scientific, pseudo-philosophical and pseudo-religious ideas boil down to the essence of disbelief: rejection of supernatural grace whereby revealed truth about God, about Creation and everything in it are given correct meaning and perspective.

The cause of this disbelief is disordered self-love which cannot bear to humble itself to another creature by admitting ignorance and submitting to being taught. Added to this is the disordered life most of these individuals lead as slaves to their whims, slaves to their disordered physical passions, etc.

In them reigns the foolish attitude of will that created the first devil: Obstinate disobedience. The first sin was an act of disobedience. The intellect, reason, is employed only to dissimulate objective reality so as to obey the commands of a despotic will.

There is no point to life if the grave is man's only and final goal. If `dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return' is spoken also of the soul, then there is no legitimate reason for any kind of laws, any kind of religion. Even the childish fantasies of the atheist and the pantheist are meaningless exercises in futility. No one ever fought or fights against a non-existing being. If God does not exist, why persecute those who believe in His existence? Besides, how can anyone seriously believe in nothing? It is metaphysically impossible to know "no-thing"! A "no-thing" is the opposite of some "thing." "No-thing" does not exist; but a "thing" does exist! And, when you come right down to it, that which we represent by the word "God" is the Thing of all things. The Supreme Being of all beings. The Creator of all creatures, Who Himself is not created.

It is this Supreme Being Who has made possible the study of nature which constitutes the "natural sciences."

It is a sad indictment of Catholic apathy that allows the outlandish promotion of Zionist evolution on Public Television under the guise of "science" for children. "Bill Nye the Science Guy" promotes the idea that man has come from the monkey by the simple strategy of showing the atheistic concept that man comes from the monkey. Bill Nye stands at the end of the "monkey chain" and with a typical ludicrously smug attitude proclaims "science"!

For, without Him, there would be no science - no knowledge because there would be "no-things" about which to study and speak.

Shamanism is the most primitive form of nature-worship that has broken off from the true Catholic religion of Adam and Eve. It at least has this in its favor: It recognizes the existence of spiritual entities that influence life around us. It is nothing more than a deviation from sound doctrine concerning the world of pure spirits, that is, bodiless entities. The modern "shamanists" - those who call themselves "scientists," do not even have that much going for them. Or, is it that they are really spiritists and do not wish to expose their true nature: that they are worshipers of Lucifer and are really the perverse creatures behind all the disorder in the world.

The resurrection of Jesus, the Christ (Messiah), is an historical fact witnessed by many. It is because these evil men enslaved by their lusts freely refuse the evidence that the authority of the Church has been forced to insist on this truth.

Only patronizing heretics like Avery Dulles, S.J and similar naturalizing elements in the Church have ridiculed the teaching authority of the Church. Well has Bishop Sheen warned (although he, too, failed to heed his own warning!) that there are double agents in the Church. They stay in the Church for the sole purpose of destroying it.

Realties that belong to the realm of `restored nature' are the work of God's grace. For this reason, they are no longer merely `natural' but partake of that which we call `supernatural.'

Just as God alone can forgive sin, so, too, only God can raise someone from the dead. He can do this because He alone is the Master of all creation and the laws that govern it.

Jesus arose from the dead because He was God - the Incarnation of the divinity as foretold by Himself before the event even took place. Jesus arose from the dead by His own divine power because He is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Only His human nature underwent the separation of soul from body. The divine nature was not separated from the Person of Jesus and therefore, was the efficient cause of the resurrection. Jesus arose from the dead. He was not `raised' from the dead as some Modernists would have us believe.

The Eleventh Synod of Toledo (675 A.D.) declared concerning the Redemption: "In this form of assumed human nature we believe according to the truth of the Gospels that He was conceived without sin, born without sin, and died without sin, who alone for us became sin [II Cor.5,21], that is, a sacrifice for our sin. And yet He endured His passion without detriment to His divinity, for our sins, and condemned to death and to the cross, He accepted the true death of the body; also on the third day, restored by His own power, He arose from the grave."

All forms of rationalism (naturalism), deny the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Condemned among the errors of Modernists by Pope St. Pius X is the proposition of the Modernists concerning the Resurrection: "The resurrection of the Savior is not properly a fact of the historical order, but a fact of the purely supernatural order, neither demonstrated nor demonstrable, and which the Christian conscience gradually derived from other sources." (Proposition 36 of the Modernists).

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