All Saints Day

The first thought that moves us in November is All Saints Day. November the first. This day is dedicated to honor by this remembrance, all those faithful Catholics who have died in the faith. This includes, of course, all those who have died in the true faith - whether they had received the Sacrament of Baptism, or the effects of the Sacrament through blood or desire.

Those who embrace the Feeneyite heresy which would send to hell everyone who is not baptized with water, would not be included in the calendar of those whom we remember on the first day of November.

All Saints Day is a logical and reasonable holy day. It is logical and reasonable because there are many men, women and children who have died in the true faith taught by the authentic magisterium of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. They are unknown to us as to name, place of origin, sex or age. Some of them have died in the holocaust of flames in Dresden, Germany; some were incinerated as they walked or talked in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Tokyo. While some died of intense heat, others died of intense cold as in Siberia.

The `how' of it all is of secondary importance. The essentially important question is that they died in the faith and for the faith. Dying for political reasons is not martyrdom. Nor can anyone really die in or for a false religion and be considered a `saint.' To think otherwise is to deny the supernatural character of divine grace.

There can be no `true' religion that is devoid of divine grace. What people subjectively think or feel has little influence on objective reality. Believing that cows are sacred will not save anyone anymore than trying to achieve `Buddhahood' by one's own efforts will save.

Consequently, unlike the new Wojtylian Church, we Roman Catholics firmly believe that we have been called by God's grace to a supernatural life on earth which culminates in a supernatural ability to enjoy eternal happiness in union with God. We believe that this can only happen if we conform our minds, hearts and wills to the commands of our Creator Who became the Word Incarnate in the human nature of Jesus of Nazareth.

Following the example of St. Paul, we know that perseverance is a necessary condition to receiving the promises made by Jesus Christ: "He who perseveres to the end will be saved."

We honor on this day of All Saints, all those who have persevered to the end. We honor all those who, aided by supernatural grace, have persevered in the true faith and have repented of any sins they may have been guilty of before leaving this mode of life for the next.

There are many who, over a long period of human history, have died in the true faith. Like St. Paul, they have "fought the good fight; they have served the faith." This is the greatest achievement of any human being without exception: To stand strong before all the vicissitudes of life that war against the faith; to overcome them even at the cost of one's life; to be able to say with the certitude of humble faith: "I have fought the good fight; I have kept the faith."

The Book of Wisdom says: "The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and the torment of malice shall not touch them: in the sight of the unwise they seemed to die, but they are in peace." (Wisdom 3,1-3).

On the very next day, 2 November, we pray for those who have left this present existence. We pray for them - we do not pray to them, as if they were with certitude in heaven - because we are only too familiar with the foibles of the flesh, the weakness of the will, the muddiness of the mind. In a word, conscious of the aftermath of original sin and the great struggle needed daily to be faithful to the Lord's command: "Be ye holy as your heavenly Father s holy," the many pitfalls and obstacles to realizing this command are overwhelming, but for the grace of God.

We pray with a realistic faith that not only the justice, but also the mercy of God will consider the desire for the deed; the humble spirit of repentance bearing fruit, and the readiness to serve Jesus Christ. The lot of the saints is to be conformed in the image of Jesus Christ in His sufferings as a proof of good will and true faith. The awareness that this is not always the case inspires a salutary fear.

In the true Sacrifice of the Mass, we are taught sure doctrine in these essential matters dealing with our existence:

"blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord. From henceforth now, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their works follow them."(Apoc. 14,13). Implied here are two dogmatic doctrines: Only those who die in the state of sanctifying grace are called `blessed.' `Dying in the Lord' means dying in the state of grace. They `die in the Lord' are those who have not only believed, but whose faith has born fruit in good works. How many people perform genuinely `good works'
that are inspired by supernatural grace? Humanism is not to be identified with the workings of supernatural grace.

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It is a doctrine of faith that grace is necessary for final perseverance. Someone who has lived in continuous sin whether it be in adultery or in concubinage, or who has frustrated the duties of the married state by whatever means and in whatever way cannot be said to be `living in the state of grace,' nor can such be said to `persevere to the end.' To presume that those who die impenitent or who have not satisfied the requirement of justice can enter heaven immediately is not only a great presumption, but it also goes against the teaching of faith that a special grace is required for final perseverance.

It should be quite plain that the Church speaks only of those who adhere to Her doctrines and discipline. Her doctrines are not difficult - the "yoke is sweet;" and the discipline is not overwhelming: the "burden is light."

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