The Bishop Speaks

Bishop Louis Vezelis O.F.M.

When I returned to this country after eighteen years in the Far East missions, the first impression that imposed itself on me was this: Simple, concrete language had given way to meaningless euphemisms.

It was not long before such words like "renewal" and "healing" and "reconciliation" _ among just a few _ began to supplant such familiar words from the past, such as "Reformation" and "Confession" and "indifference."

`Renewal' is the new and improved version of the Protestant rebellion against the Church which was euphemistically termed "Reformation."

`Healing' really means nothing and very aptly replaced the positive healing process of confessing one's sins to God through His appointed minister, receiving forgiveness which healed the soul and having the chance to begin anew.

`Reconciliation' is the new and improved, sterile substitute for what had always been correctly condemned by a Church guided by the Holy Ghost, namely, religious indifference.

The greatest surprise was to see with what speed this new-speak had taken hold of the world's Catholics. Of course, in the early days, the deep-rooted sense of loyalty, respect and obedience to the Vicar of Jesus Christ made it practically impossible to even conceive of the idea that all this had been orchestrated at the very center of Catholicism: ROME.

If anyone were to ask me: "What is the most difficult hurdle for an informed and genuine Roman Catholic to clear in concluding to a great apostasy?" I would have to answer without hesitation: "Facing the reality that the Chair of Peter has been occupied by heretical imposters since the death of Pope Pius XII."

This is very difficult to admit. This is something that even the mind that rigorously accepts the dictates of evidence and draws the infallible logical conclusion must still grapple with on an emotional, social level.

It is tantamount to becoming not a religious rebel, but a religious leper. Rebellion against Church teaching is most strongly met with in the daily life of the greatest number of proclaimed `Catholics.' Rebellion against sound doctrine and sound morals is as common among theologians and sacristans as the common cold.

All this and the multitude of variations of this doctrinal and moral theme are spread around with equal zeal. But there is one thing these heretics and schismatics hold in common:

The common bond uniting all heretics and schismatics who fancy themselves `Catholic' is the illusion that they recognize the present occupant of the Chair of Peter as a legitimate Pope!

In reality, setting aside whatever euphemisms are employed by these heretics and schismatics, the simple truth is that while being typical Protestants in reality, they continue to pretend to view themselves as Catholics in their self-perception.

Take for example the heretic from Notre Dame University (where the "Fighting Irish" were generally of Polish origin), Richard McBrien.

Solidly entrenched in a University that was once famous for its Catholicity, this man is salaried to undermine the supernatural faith of the young men and women whose parents send them to this school at great expense for the purpose of getting a "Catholic education." Except for the jubilant neo-Protestants among self-deluded `Catholics,' frustrated Catholics are at a loss to understand the obvious. Namely, that Notre Dame University _ like every other once-Catholic University _ has long since ceased being a Catholic University.

You need an example, of course. Well, we Catholics believe that legitimate Popes are the true, infallible Vicars of Jesus Christ. We owe them not only religious obedience, but all that flows from trust and confidence in such an august spiritual authority. Respect and loyalty are the sincerest expressions of obedience to a real authority.

Now, Richard McBrien, who finds it more in keeping with his true inner spirit by wearing a business suit, pretends to appeal to a former Pope, Pope Benedict XV, as his `hammer' to bang on St.Pope Pius X.

McBrien seeks to condition his readers to accept his doctrines by insulting and belittling one of the greatest Popes of our time, Pope Pius X. As a condemned Modernist who should not be teaching nor even permitted on a Catholic campus, McBrien smugly blames Pope St. Pius the X for the chaos in the Church: "It was Pius X who created the atmosphere of mutual suspicion and recrimination in the church by his intemperate campaign against Catholic scholars and by his approval of a secret society (the Sodalitium Pianum) to spy on Catholic scholars and to report them to Rome."

This is really too much! McBrien must sit for hours in the privacy of his room, dreaming up his typical pharisaical phrases. With the accustomed demeanor of the proud heretic who has lost his faith, McBrien has no problem insulting the intelligence of those whose own intelligence has been elevated to supernatural faith. When a man loses his faith, he is like a loose cannon.

Why should McBrien have a problem with a legitimate Pope watching over the universal flock as is his duty? The Pope is the `Papa' _ the `Father of the Fathers' (Pater Patrum from whence comes the term `Papa' for short).

The first duty of the Vicar of Jesus Christ is to preserve the deposit of faith intact against all heretics within and without the Church.

If McBrien has a problem with that, perhaps he should examine his true loyalties and cease stealing from the Church which he labors to undermine. And, as for those who maintain such an unscrupulous and proud man, should refer to their basic manual of moral theology which would condemn them for positive association with the Modernist aims of McBrien.

As a final example of the chaos deliberately promoted by the likes of McBrien, we might cite the following which appears in the same article:

"Reputable Catholic historians recognize that Pius X's policies set back the cause of Catholic scholarship for nearly half a century. We are still feeling the effects of those policies today."

This was taken from an article appearing in a purportedly "Catholic" diocesan newspaper, the Catholic Herald of Green Bay, WI in January, 1998.

McBrien actually7 rejects the infallible teachings of the Roman Catholic Church concerning the magisterium by attempting to substitute it with his own magisterium as is the general goal of arrogant theologians. Pope St. Pius X had rightly stated that pride sits in the house of these theologians who are no longer worthy of that title.

When the laity complain against some heretical bishop or theologian, they invariably freeze and become irrationally contradictory when their complaints are answered with a simple question: "Who put the heretics where they are?" Of course, the obvious answer can only be: A like-minded Modernist "Pope"!

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