The Revelations of Margaret of Cortona

Most Rev. Ange-Marie Hiral O.F.M.



As we have seen, Our Lord Himself had placed Margaret under the guidance of the Friars Minor. Spiritual direction was the subject of several instructive revelations on the part of the Eternal Wisdom.

"The Friars Minor are adorning your soul with a variety of virtues. They are teaching you to bind it inseparably to Me, Who am your Spouse. They give you lofty and helpful teaching concerning My high and eternal Divinity."

"My daughter, the Friars say that they have done a great deal for you, and it is true. But I — I have redeemed you at a greater price. I have endured greater labor for you. I have made them exteriorly your directors, but I was and I still am your interior Teacher. I have made Myself your guide along the path. I have mercifully drawn you back from the deep abyss of the world and of your sins and misery. I am responsible for the beginning of your conversion and for the rule of your whole life, and I shall be the continuation and the end of your salvation."

"From. the beginning I gave you into the care of My Friars Minor, and I do not want you ever to deprive yourself of their advice. If ever a time comes when you are tempted not to speak to them or obey them any longer, do not follow this poisonous suggestion, because it is a temptation of your enemy. Do not fear to divulge confidently to My Friars Minor all that I shall reveal to you."

One day she asked Our Lord for permission not to disclose to her confessor a confidential message which wounded her humility. Our Lord replied with delicate irony:

"Tell him, as well as the other Friars, to hide you. And hide yourself. You always want to nourish yourself with the milk of My consolations without sharing it among My sons. I could easily have called you all alone, secretly, and thus led you to Heaven. But did I not tell you that you are to be the light of the blind? He who has charity loves My children too."

"My daughter, let yourself be guided by My Friars Minor. Let them do what they please with you, because I have placed you completely under their care and their direction."

"Lord," said Margaret, "since I would like to be utterly separated from the world, why do they not hide me as I wish?"

"My daughter, they do not hide you because you are a star that I have lately given to the world to enlighten the blind, to set those who stray back on the right path, and to raise up those who have fallen under the weight of their sins. You are a new banner under whose folds sinners come back to Me, a banner under which penitents burst into tears and sobs."

Sometimes during her visions, in the fervor of her zeal, Margaret was guilty of indiscreet requests and selfseeking in spiritual consolations.

The Good Master reproved her, and she contritely performed her mea culpa. But Our Lord added:

"It is not sufficient for Me that you accuse yourself of your faults before Me. You must still make a complete confession of them to your Father confessor. And when you do so, remember that I sent to the priests the men with leprosy whom I healed."

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