Topical Index of Seraph on-line
This Index can be used on the web-page and with printed copies of the
SERAPH. On the web-page simply click on the link. If you wish to
find the reference in the printed copy of the SERAPH simply note
the code in the ( ). The first letters are Roman numerals and refer to
the volume number; the next number refers to the issue number, then there
is a dash followed by the page number where the article begins. For example
(xvii9-16) refers to The SERAPH, volume xvii, Number 9, page 16.
- Anti-Christs see Doctrine - Anti-Christs
- Anti-popes (xvii7-7) (xvii9-16)
(xviii9-6) (xix8-15) See also Papacy
- John XXIII (xvii9-16) (xix3-18)
- John Paul I (xix3-18)
- John Paul II See Wojtyla
- Paul VI (xix3-16) (xix3-18)
- Apocalypse see also Anti-popes and Doctrine -Anti-Christs
- Coming Millenium The (xix5-1) (xx5-1) (xx5-16)
- Israel conv &End of the World (xvi8-8)(xvi9-6)(xvi10-9)
- Parousia (xvi5-6)(xvii1-11) (xx5-16)
- Apostasy, Great (xviii8-1) (xix1-17) (xx10-16) (xxi2-16)
see also Novus Ordo
- Apparitions
- Fatima (x3-8) (xviii2-8)
- Consecration of Russia (xvi9-1)
- Gruner See also "Traditionalists-Gruner" (xvi8-13)(xvi9-15)
- La Salette (xviii2-8)
- Medjugore (xi 3-5)
- Canonization of Saints See also Novus Ordo -Canonization
- (xvii4-9)(xvii5-13)
- Catholic Church True (xii2-8) (xii3-7) (xii4-12) (xii7-16) (xix4-13) (xxi1-1)
- Apostolic (xx2-18)
- Children's Page
- Epiphany (xvii5-20)
- Saints
- Audrey (xvi5-20)
- Benno (xviii5-20)
- Boniface (xvi8-20)
- Cuthbert (xvi6-24)
- Edward (xviii3-20)
- Eulogious (xvi9-20)
- Frances of Rome (xviii6-20)
- Giles (xviii1-20) (xvi7-20)
- Henry & Cunnegund (xviii2-20)
- Isidore (xvii9-20)
- Michael Archangel (xvii1-19)
- Nicephorus (xvii6-20)
- Patrick (xviii10-21)
- Paul (xvii10-20)
- Sabas (xvii8-20)
- Stephen (xvii4-20)
- Swithun (xvi10-20)
- Teresa of Avila (xvii2-19)
- Tundale (xviii4-20)
- Wenceslaus (xvii3-20)
- Wolfgang (xvii7-20)
- Christ The Life of
- (xvii1-7)(xvii2-7)(xvii3-4)(xvii4-4)(xvii5-3)(xvii6-4)(xvii7-4)(xvii8-6)(xvii9-5)(xvii10-5)(xviii1-3)(xviii2-5)(xviii3-4)(xviii4-4)(xviii5-5)(xviii6-5)
(xviii7-6) (xviii8-4)
(xviii9-3) (xviii10-3)
(xix1-4) (xix2-4) (xix3-4)
(xix4-6) (xix5-6) (xix6-7)
(xix7-5) (xix8-4) (xix9-5)
(xix10-5) (xx1-6) (xx2-5)
(xx3-5) (xx4-8) (xx5-6)
(xx6-6) (xx7-6) (xx8-5)
(xx9-4) (xx10-4) (xxi1-5)
(xxi2-6) (xxi3-6) (xxi4-7)
(xxi5-6) (xxi6-6) (xxi7-6)
(xxi8-4) (xxi9-7) (xxi10-7)
(xxii1-7) (xxii2-8) (xxii3-6)
- Demonism see also Satanism(ix2-1) (x1-5) (x2-3) (x3-5) (x4-7) (xx1-16)
- Doctrine
- Anathema (xvii8-17) see also "Doctrine
- Excommunication"
- Anti-Christs (xvii7-7)(xvii2-10)(xvii3-6)(xvii4-6)(xviii3-17)(xviii5-16)
- Anti-Popes see Anti-popes
- Apostolicity (xviii9-6) (xix7-17)
- Assumption (xviii9-2)
- Beatification (xvii9-2) see also Canonization
of Saints
- Bible (xvi7-3)
- Apocrypha (xvi5-2)
- Canonization (xvii3-17) see also Canonization
of Saints
- Celibacy (xix2-2)
- Censor (xix7-17)
- Christ The King (xxi2-14)
- Commandments (xviii2-2)
- Stealing (xvii7-1)
- Communion of Saints (xvii9-2)
- Devils (xx1-16)
- Doctor of the Church (xviii5-2)
- Dogma (xviii5-2)
- Education of Youth, Christian (Encyclical) (xvi5-4)
- Excommunication (xvii8-17) (xix1-2)(xix6-12)
see also "Doctrine - Anathema"
- Faith (xix2-7)
- Freewill (xviii8-6)
- Grace (xix2-1) (xix8-9) (xix9-8) (xix10-8)
- Heresies (xviii2-17) (see also Anti-Christs
and Anti-Popes)
- Definition of Heresy (xix5-2)
- Four Original (xx6-10)
- Boston (Feeney) see Liturgy - Salvation
- Ecumenism (xvii7-13)(xvii10-18)
(xviii4-7) (xix7-1)
(xxi10-13) (xxii2-18)
- Eucharistic (xvii6-16)
- Feeney (Boston) see Liturgy - Salvation
- Iconoclasm (xviii3-1)
- Laicism (xvi7-7)
- Lutheran (xx3-1) (xx3-8)
- Modernism (xxii1-18)
- Naturalism (xix3-16) (xx1-10)
- Pelagianism (xix7-10)
- Protestantism (xix7-10)
(xxi5-17) (xxi7-10)
- Secularism (xxi4-1)
- Semi-Pelagianism (xix7-10)
- Talmudism also see Zionism below and Jews (xvii9-1)
- Khazar (xx1-18)
- Tradionalist See Traditionalist
- Una Voce (xix10-18)
- Zionism also see Talmudism above Jews below (xvii3-6)
(xxi6-10) (xxi9-1)
- Images (veneration of) (xix3-2)
- Immaculate Conception (xix4-2) (xx4-16)
- Infallibility (xix9-2)
- Justification (xx3-1) (xx3-8)
- Mystical Body (xix10-8)
- Novus Ordo (xviii2-17)(xviii5-7)(xviii6-14)
- Original Sin (xvi10-16) (xx2-8)
- Parousia see also Apocalypse above (xx5-16)
- Publications imprimatur (xvi6-17)(xviii2-17)(xviii6-14)
- Purgatory (xvii8-3)
- Relics Holy (xviii3-1)
- Resurection (xviii8-1)
- Saints invocation of (xviii4-2)
- Salvation (xvii7-15) (xix7-10)
- Sede-Vacante (xix7-14)
(xxi6-18) (xxi8-17)
- Signs and Symbols (xxi2-9)
- Stigmata (xvii6-2) (xxi1-18)
- Traditionalists see also Traditionalists further down(xvi6-17)(xviii6-14) (xx2-18)
- Independent (xviii4-18)
- Victim Souls (xx8-18)
- Dove of The Tabernacle (xx5-2) (xx6-2)
(xx7-3) (xx8-2) (xx9-2)
(xx10-2) (xxi1-3) (xxi2-3)
(xxi3-2) (xxi4-3) (xxi5-2)
(xxi6-3) (xxi7-3) (xxi8-2)
(xxi9-3) (xxi10-2) (xxii1-2)
- Francis St. (xviii1-6)
- Christmas & St. Francis (xvii4-14)
- Stigmata (xxi1-18)
- Franciscan Order (xvii6-10)
- English Franciscans (xvi9-14)
- Freemasonry (ix1-3) (ix2-3) (xi7-7) (xvi10-5)(xix5-13)
- History
- Church
- Anti-Christ (xviii8-2) see also Doctrine
- Acolyte (xx1-2)
- Altar (xx2-2)
- (privileged) (xx1-2)
- Apostasy (xx1-2)
- Aureole (xviii10-2)
- Berretta (xx4-2)
- Bible (xvi7-3)
- Apocrypha (xvi5-2)
- Brief (Papal) (xx1-2)
- Bull (Papal) (xx1-2)
- Calendar (xx1-2)
- Cannon Law (xvi8-2)
- Cassock (xx4-2)
- Catacombs, Roman (xvi6-2)
- Cathedral (xx3-3)
- Chalice (xx4-2)
- Chancel (xx4-2)
- Chasuble (xx4-2)
- Chrism (xix10-2)
- Church (xx9-11)
- Ciborium (xx4-2)
- Coadjutor (xx1-2)
- Coat (seamless) (xx1-2)
- Constantine (xix6-2)
- Cope (xx4-2)
- Corporal (xx4-2)
- Crosier (xx4-2)
- Dalmatic (xx4-2)
- Day Missing (xx3-11)
- Dolours (xix10-2)
- Domine Non Sum Dignus (xix10-2)
- Encyclical (xx1-2)
- Ex Cathedra (xx3-3)
- Fathers of the Church (xix1-2)
- Fatima (xx10-16)
- Frontal (xx4-2)
- Galileo (xvii1-4)
- Girdle (xx4-2)
- Hermit (xix5-2)
- Heroes (xvi6-1)
- Hierarchy (xix5-2) (xx2-18)
- Holy Water (xix5-2)
- Humeral Veil (xx4-2)
- Index (xix8-2)
- Infidel (xx1-2)
- Inquisition (xvii3-2) (xx8-15)
- Irish Catholic Church (xvii2-2)
- Maniple (xx4-2)
- Martyr (xviii8-2)
- October Saints (xvii2-1)
- Peter's Pence (xvi9-2)
- Pulpit (xx1-2)
- Pyx (xx4-2)
- Sanctuary (xx3-3)
- Sandals (xx3-3)
- Schism (xx4-2)
- Schools, Origin of (xvi10-2)
- Surplice (xx4-2)
- Tiara (xx1-2)
- Tunic (xx4-2)
- Vatican Council (xix9-2)
- Veil (xix10-2)
- Vestments (xix10-2)
- Y2K (xx3-13)
- False (history) (xx1-1)
- Freemasonry See also "Freemasonry" (xvi10-5)
- Jews see also Doctrine, Heresies, Talmudism (ix5-4) (ix8-1) (ix9-1) (x1-1) (x2-8) (x9-10) (xi7-7) (xii6-1)
(xix8-1) (xxi4-15)
- Koshering (ix3-4) (xi4-6) (xi5-6)(xix8-1)
- Star of Rempham (xx7-12) (xx9-1)
(xx9-8) (xx10-11) (xxi3-12)
- John Paul II see Wojtyla, Karol
- Kim, Stephen Cardinal Korea (xviii1-1)
- Liturgy
- Advent (xvii4-1) (xix5-2)
- All Saints (xvii3-1)(xviii3-8)
- Annunciation (xvi7-1)
- Ash Wednesday (xviii9-2)
- Bells (xvii6-2)
- Burial (xvii1-1)(xvii5-18)
- Eulogy (xvii1-16)
- Christ The King (xxi2-14)
- Christmas (xvii4-14)(xvii5-2)
See also Liturgy - Advent
- Celebration of Christmas (xvii4-18) (xix4-1)
(xx4-11) (xxi4-13)
- Party (xviii3-18)
- Churching of Women (xix7-3)
- Circumcision (xvi5-1)(xvi6-1)
- Conclave (xviii2-2)
- Concordat (xviii2-2)
- Corpus Christi (xvi10-1)(xvii10-9)
- Cross, Way of (xxi8-1)
- Dove (xvii7-2)
- Doxology (xvii7-2)
- Dreams (xvii7-2)
- Easter (xxi8-10)
- Genuflection (xix2-2)
- Heart, Sacred & Immaculate, Devotion to (xvii4-2)
- Holy Week (xix6-2)
- House of God (xvii3-11)
- Incense (xix7-3)
- Lent (xxi7-8)
- Mary (xx9-14)
- Assumption (xviii9-2)
- Ave Maria (xviii10-2)
- Dedication (xx5-1) (xx5-10)
- Devotion, true (xviii9-1)
- Immacualte Conception (xix4-2)
- Mass, The
(xxii2-5) (xxii3-3)
- Benedicamus Domino (xx1-2)
- Latin (xvii2-15)(xix7-3) see also Novus Ordo
- Mass; and Prayers and Ceremonies of the Mass
- Consecration (xviii9-19)
- Miracles (xvii10-2)
- Missal (xviii1-2)
- Miter (xviii3-2)
- Novus Ordo See Novus Ordo
- Pentecost (xx10-14)
- Quinquagesima (xx1-2)
- Resurrection (xvi8-1)
- Rosary (xviii2-1)
- Salvation (Outside the Church) (xvi10-14)
(xix2-7) (xix3-18)
- Sanctus (xx3-3)
- Stations (xvii6-2)
- Stole (xvii7-2)
- Modernists,
- Errors of; Encyclical of St. Pope Pius X (xviii8-11)
(xviii9-12) (xviii10-11)
(xix1-11) (xix2-14)
- Martin, Malachi (xii6-10) (xviii9-6) (xviii10-6)
- Modernism, Oath against (xx3-17)
- Morality (xviii3-8) (xviii4-1)
(xviii5-1) See also Doctrine - Heresies
- Abortion (xix6-5) (xx6-1) (xx6-18)
- Annulment (xix8-12)
- Art (xix5-5) (xx2-1)
- Artificial Insemination & Sperm Banks (xviii7-10)
- Asceticism (xix3-6) see also Spiritual
- Attrition (xviii10-2)
- Beauty (xx2-14)
- Birth Control (xxi5-19)
- Censure/Index (xix8-2)
- Cloning (xxi8-12)
- Confusion/Conflict (xix5-13)
- Conscience (xviii7-14) (xix8-15)
- Commandments of the Church (xviii3-2)
- Commerce (xix3-1)
- Constitution (xix9-1)
- Corpus Christi (xix10-10)
- Culture (xix1-1) (xx2-1)
- Desire (Implicit) (xix3-18)
- Divorce (xix8-12)
- Drugs (xix6-14)
- Economic (xix6-1)
- Education (xx10-1)
- Equality? (xxi3-15)
- Exorcism (xviii8-19)
- Family (xx5-14) (xx6-14)
- Fashion (xx7-15)
- Freedom (xxii2-17)
- "Guy" use of the word (xvii6-1)
- Health (xvii8-1) (xix6-14)
- History (xx1-1)
- Holidays (xx4-1)
- Ignorance/Invincible (xix8-15)
- Images (Veneration of) (xix3-2)
- Light and Darkness (xxii2-1)
- Marriage (xxi6-17) (xxi7-13)
see also Sacraments Marriage
- Mass (Duty to attend) (xix3-18)
- Media (xx3-15) (xx9-17)
- Money (xxi7-16)
- Moral Standards (xviii7-1)
- Motherhood (xxi3-15)
- Music (xx1-14) (xx9-17)
- Oath against Modernism (xx3-17)
- Obedience (xix4-9) (xix5-18)
- Pain & Suffering (xx4-13)
- Perception & Reality (xviii7-14)
- Politics (xxi1-13)
- Pride (xix5-11) (xxi3-1)
- Profession of Faith (xx3-17)
- Purity (xx9-1)
- Scapulars (xx3-3)
- Schools (xx10-1)
- Slavery (xxi6-13)
- Social Justice (xvii5-1)
- Communism (xx8-1) (xx9-15)
- Communism, Darwinism, Secularism (xvii5-8)
- Nihilism (xvii5-16)
- Stem Cells (xxii1-19)
- Truth (xix10-1)
- Vaccinations (xxi1-15)
- Violence (xx9-17)
- War
- Kosovo (xix8-13)
- Terrorism (xxii1-11)
- Working, grace of (xxi9-17)
- Youth (xx1-14) (xx9-17)
- Novus Ordo (xvi5-10)(xvii10-1)
(xviii1-1)(xviii7-9) (xx7-17)
- Bishops (viii10-11) (ix5-4)
- Clark, Matthew (xix6-12)
- Burial (xvii5-18)
- Canonization (xvii3-17) See also Canonization
of Saints
- Holy Orders (xvii10-9) (xix1-8)
- Lutherans and N.O. (xx3-1) (xx3-8)
- Marriage (xvi10-18) See also Sacraments
- Marriage
- Mass (viii10-11) (ix4-7) (xi1-5) (xvii10-9)
(xviii10-18) See also Liturgy - Mass
- Rome, visit to (xvii6-10)
- Vatican II (viii10-11) (ix4-7) (ix6-1) (ix7-1) (ix8-6) (x1-5) (xix4-17)
- Ngo Archbishop (xi6-6) (xii5-7) (xii7-7)
- Public Statement (xviii6-8)
- Sanity (xviii1-17)
- Papacy See also Anti-Popes (xvii10-1) (xx1-10)
- Pope Pius XII (xx1-18)
- Prayers and Ceremonies of the Mass (xvi5-3)(xvi6-5)(xvi7-5)(xvi8-5)(xvi9-3)(xvi10-7)
- Philosophy
- Beauty (xx2-14)
- Epistemology (xix7-14)
- False Teachers (xix8-1)
- Free will (xviii8-6)
- Grace (xix8-9) (xix9-8)
- Logic (xix9-16)
- Matter and Form (xx1-10)
- Psychology
- Dreams (xvii7-2)
- Imagination (xvii6-1)
- Nihilism (xvii5-16)
- Sacraments
- In general (xvii8-8)
- Dispensation (xviii5-2)
- Baptism (xvii9-8) (xix2-7)
- Eucharist (xvii10-9) (xix10-10)
- See series "Dove of the Tabernacle" above
- Eucharist Heresies (xvii6-16)
- Spiritual Communion (xx6-16)
- Exorcism (xxi3-17)
- Marriage (xvi10-18)(xviii6-2)(xviii7-2)
See also Novus Ordo - Marriage
- Annulment (xix8-12)
- Banns (xviii10-2)
- Mixed (xviii3-2) (xix9-10) (xix10-12)
- Divorce (xviii5-2)
- Family and (xx5-14) (xx6-14)
- Holy Orders (xvii10-9) (xix1-8)
- Validity of Sacraments(xix5-13)
- Sacramentals (xviii8-19)
- Saints see Children's Page - Saints; see Francis St.
- Anthony (xxi10-19)
- Margaret of Cortona (xxi1-8) (xxi2-8)
(xxi3-11) (xxi4-12) (xxi5-10)
(xxi6-9) (xxi7-9) (xxi8-9)
(xxi9-12) (xxi10-12)
(xxii1-10) (xxii2-10)
- Margaret Mary Alocoque (xxi2-1)
- Satanism, Witchcraft See also: Anti-Christ, Freemasonry, Jews
- Devils (xx1-16)
- Halloween Neo-Paganism (xvii2-18) (xxi1-9)
- Possession (xxi3-17)
- Satan (xvi7-18)
- Sheen, Bishop (xx4-18)
- Spiritual Combat (xviii6-18)(xviii7-20)
(xviii8-20) (xviii9-20)
(xviii10-20) (xix1-20)
(xix2-20) (xix3-20) (xix4-19)
(xix5-20) (xix6-20)
(xix7-19) (xix8-20)
(xix9-20) (xix10-20)
(xx1-20) (xx2-19)
(xx3-19) (xx4-20)
(xx5-19) (xx6-20)
(xx7-20) (xx8-20)
(xx9-20) (xx10-20)
(xxi1-20) (xxi2-19)
(xxi3-20) (xxi4-20) (xxi5-20)
(xxi7-20) (xxi8-20) (xxi9-20)
(xxi10-20) (xxii1-20) (xxii2-20)
- Traditionalists (xii5-7) (xix2-7) (xix4-9)
(xix4-13) (xx1-10) (xx2-12)
- de Nantes (xvi9-1)
- Gruner (ix2-6) (xi5-12) (xii5-7) (xvi8-13)(xvi9-15)(xix2-7)
- Independent (xvii2-15)(xvii7-16)
- Lefebvre (viii8-5) (viii9-5) (viii10-5) (ix1-6) (ix1-1) (ix3-7) (ix4-11)
(ix7-5) (xvii2-15)(xviii1-6)
(xix5-13) (xxii2-11) (xxii3-11)
- McKenna (xviii8-19)(xix2-7)
- Natoli (xix2-7)
- Nugent (xix2-7)
- Ruscitto (ix7-5)
- Schuckardt (xix2-7)
- "Tuck-line" Bishops (xviii1-6)
- Una Voce (xix10-18)
- Wathen (xix2-7)
- Traditonalist priests and pride (xix5-11)
- Vatican II See "Novus Ordo"
- Vocations (xvi5-15) (xviii8-6)
- Wojtyla, Karol John Paul II (ii8-8) (ix7-5) (xii3-7) (xvi5-10)(xvi9-1)(xvii3-6)(xvii7-7)(xvii10-18)(xviii2-8)
(xix3-18) (xix7-1) (xix10-10)
(xx7-1) (xx8-15) (xxi5-1)